ANOMIA in the form of the insertion of syntactically disconnected sentence into another sentence so as to interrupt the syntactic flow or coherence of the latter.

Asyntactic insertion of material A. into a sentence or B. into a passage.

  • ANOMIARHETORICAL STYLE of breaking norms, conventions or regular patterns of a language.
    • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
  • TMESISPARENTHESIS of word order in which extraneous material intervenes within a given word.
    REF: Lausberg 860, Miriam 57

    Greek/Latin: Ubiquitous, and occasionally discussed, as by Quintilian.

    Ancient Chinese: Absent. For profound reasons. Parenthetic vocatives occur in Buddhist prose. 不知道怎麼樣 and the like get parenthetically inserted in 朱子語類 .

    Rhetorical device locations: 5
    • 法華經 爾時舍利弗。

      parenthetic vocative

    • 法華經 又舍利弗

      inserted vocative

    • 孔雀東南飛 自君別我後

      Parenthesis between clauses, though, not intrasentential.

    • 論語 蓋均無貧,

      parenthetic explanation, according to Li Ling

    • 論語 蓋均無貧, 和無寡 安無傾