RHETORICAL STYLE in which the constituents of a clause, sentence, or paragraph have progressively increasing weight so that the last member in particular is the intended as the most important.

  • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
  • CLIMAXCRESCENDO of the form /...x/ x...y/ y...z/ where x,y and z are on a rising scale of stylistic weight. 連續末、端同字增益法 /...x/ x...y/ y...z/ where x,y and z are on a rising scale of stylistic weight. Compare SORITES.
    • SORITES CLIMAX where the members are conditional clauses: if x then y; if y then z; ... ... An ANADIPLOSIS-MULTIPLE or CLIMAX consisting of a series of conditionals in which the apodosis of the preceding conditional regularly is repeated as the protasis of the succeeding conditional.
  • CRESCENDO-RHYTHMIC節奏趨上法 The arranging of elements in an order of increasing length.
    • CRESCENDO-RHYTHMIC+SEMANTIC 節奏加語義趨上法 The arranging of elements in an order of increasing length and importance.Traditionally: auxesis, governed by the famous "Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder".
    • CRESCENDO-SEMANTIC語義趨上法 CRESCENDO: The arranging of elements in an order of increasing semantic weight. Traditionally: auxesis, governed by the famous "Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder".
      • PARALLELISM+CRESCENDO對偶法﹣趨上法 Traditionally: auxesis, governed by the famous "Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder".
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