幾個四字格連接法﹣分行不整 ENJAMBEMENT in which the line-break is not at a main caesura (syntactic/prosodic break).

  • ENJAMBEMENTARHYTHMIA in the form of lack of strong caesura at the end of a line in a text with regular line numbers. 接下行法 Continuation of one construction across two lines. See also ENJAMBEMENT-MULTIPLE, and the converse, STACCATO.
    • ARHYTHMIAANOMIA in the context of PARALLELISM in which the repeated rhythm is broken. Breaking of regular rhythm, the converse of ISOCOLON.
      • ANOMIARHETORICAL STYLE of breaking norms, conventions or regular patterns of a language.
        • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
The decision whether a given case must be taken to involve SYNCOPE is by no means always easy to make. What in syntactic terms is SYNCOPE can involve a line break where in terms of natural reading practice there may well be a major caesura/break in the line. Prosody and syntax can yield different analyses. The matter is complicated by the fact that - obviously - we have no direct evidence on ancient Chinese prodody and breath-group structure.

    Rhetorical device locations: 117