LITERARY GENRE or EKPHRASIS describing the life of a person.

  • LITERARY GENRECulturally "Institutionalised" RHETORICAL DEVICE which consists in writing something consciously as belonging to a recognised literary genre or conventionally practised kind of document. These genres or text sorts constitute an evolving repertoire of available genres.
  • HAGIOGRAPHYBIOGRAPHY of persons as holy or sacred personalities.
    Rhetorical device locations: 23
    • 論語 7.9 子食於有喪者之側,
    • 論語 7.10 子於是日哭,
    • 論語 7.13 子之所慎:
    • 論語 7.14 子在齊聞《韶》,
    • 論語 7.27 子釣而不綱, 弋不射宿
    • 論語 7.32 子與人歌而善,
    • 論語 7.35 子疾病,
    • 論語 7.35 子疾病,
    • 論語 9.1 子罕言利與命與仁。
    • 論語 「語之而不惰者, 其回也與
    • 論語 「吾見其居於位也, 見其與先生並行也 非求益者也 欲速成者也


    • 論語 7.25 子以四教:
    • 論語 7.27 子釣而不綱, 弋不射宿
    • 論語 7.32 子與人歌而善, 必使反之 而後和之
    • 論語 7.4 子之燕居, 申申如也 夭夭如也
    • 論語 7.13 子之所慎:
    • 論語 7.38 子溫而厲,
    • 論語 7.38 子溫而厲, 威而不猛 恭而安
    • 論語 7.4 子之燕居, 申申如也 夭夭如也
    • 論語 9.10 子見齊衰者、冕衣裳者與瞽者, 見之 雖少 必作 過之 必趨
    • 論語 10.17 廄焚。 子退朝 傷人乎 不問馬

      Although Confucius is being quoted it is arguable that this is of biographical rather than ideological relevance.

    • 論語 10.22 朋友死,

      This describes a concrete episode rather than a general characteristic kind of behaviour.

    • 論語 「噫! 天喪予 天喪予

      This is not primarily reporting an opinion, it is a biographic description of a spontaneous emotional reaction.