        • OBJECT[NO HYPERNYM.] WHAT one CAN NAME:refer to....
See also
Old Chinese Criteria
1. Lì 礪 refers to the whetstone which is - according to the SHUOWEN - rather crude. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1116; WANG 1993; 228]

2. Lì 厲 is another (perhaps more archaic) term for the lì 礪; it is known already from SHIJING: HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 1, pp. 936; YANG 2000: 57 - 58; WANG 1993; 228]

3. Dǐ 砥 refers to the finer whetstone than lì 礪. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1020; WANG 1993; 228]

4. Zhi 底 3 is another term for dǐ 砥 [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 3, pp. 1219; WANG 1993; 228]

5. Cuò 錯 refers to a whetstone, and the word occurs already in SHIJING; according to commentaries it was used in processing jades. [XIANG 1997: 93]

6. Cuò 厝 is a different term for cuò 錯. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 1, pp. 926]

7. Lián (I have not found the character in a list): according to SHUOWEN red whetstone: HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1093]

8. Jiān 礛 was used in processing of jades. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1116]

9. Xíng 硎 refers to some kind of whetstone which was used to sharpen implements or to brush up jades. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1042]

NB: It is difficult to distinguish these terms which and attribute them to concrete archaeological finds; but it is quite probable that part of them, particularly lì 礪 and lì 厲 were quite simple implements like these illustrated in XIANG 1997: pp. 58, fig. 1, 2. Round grindstones or whetstones seems to be no older than the Warring States period (CHEN 1991: 199).

Modern Chinese Criteria


rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

Attributions by syntactic funtion

  • n : 12

Attributions by text

  • 毛詩 : 3
  • 莊子 : 2
  • 史記 : 2
  • 尚書 : 1
  • 禮記 : 1
  • 韓非子 : 1
  • 翻譯名義集 : 1
  • 荀子 : 1


  lì OC: b-rads MC: liɛi
  lì OC: b-rads MC: liɛi 7 AttributionsWD

Lì 礪 refers to the whetstone which is - according to the SHUOWEN - rather crude. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1116; WANG 1993; 228]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone for the initial rougher work (often for the sharpening of larger implements such as weapons)
  • nfigurative"whetstone"
  xíng OC: ɡeeŋ MC: ɦeŋ 3 AttributionsWD

Xíng 硎refers to some kind of whetstone which was used to sharpen implements or to brush up jades. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1042]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone
  dǐ OC: tjilʔ MC: tɕi
  zhī OC: tjil MC: tɕi
  (zhǐ) OC: tjelʔ MC: tɕiɛ 1 AttributionWD

Dǐ 砥 refers to the finer whetstone than lì 礪. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1020; WANG 1993; 228]

    Syntactic words
  • nfine-grained whetstone for the final polish (often for the sharpening of small implements)
  cuò OC: skhaaɡ MC: tshɑk 1 AttributionWD

Cuò 錯 refers to a whetstone, and the word occurs already in SHIJING; according to commentaries it was used in processing jades. [XIANG 1997: 93]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone (SHI)
  dǐ OC: tjilʔ MC: tɕi 0 AttributionsWD

Zhǐ 厎 is another term for dǐ 砥 [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 3, pp. 1219; WANG 1993: 228]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone (Shanhaijing)
  cuò OC: skhaaɡ MC: tshɑk 0 AttributionsWD

Cuò 厝 is a different term for cuò 錯. [HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 1, pp. 926]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone
  lì OC: b-rads MC: liɛi 0 AttributionsWD

Lì 厲 is another (perhaps more archaic) term for the lì 礪; it is known already from SHIJING: HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 1, pp. 936; YANG 2000: 57 - 58; WANG 1993; 228]

    Syntactic words
  • nwhetstone, specifically whetstone for the initial rougher work
  jiān OC: kraam MC: kɣam 0 AttributionsWD

Jiān (I have not found the character in a list): according to SHUOWEN red whetstone: HANYU DACIDIAN: vol. 7, pp. 1093]

    Syntactic words
  • nkind of whetstone (ZGC)

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