Old Chinese Criteria
之 zhī OC: kljɯ MC: tɕɨ 1018 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npro1.postnpro2:>Nmarker of MODIFICATION of N by definite pronoun當此之時"During these times" (23 times in Huainanzi alone)CH
- npro1postnpro2.adNabnpro2 RESPONSIBLE ORIGIN for Nab寡人之罪 "my own fault": npro2 is the responsible origin of NabCH
- npro1postnpro2.adV>Nabpronominal AGENT SUBJECT OF V>Nab吾子之將行“your being about to leave"CH
- npropostadVP.adNCHARACTERISED BY COMPLEX VPthe set of those who V and who resemble those who V: the V-ing and their ilk (the V can be an extensive coordinate VP.)CH
- npropostN.adNabAGENT:N agent of Nab先王之政“the government by the former kings": N1=agent or subject of the Nab-ingCH
- npropostN.adNabCOMPARISON孔子之賢 "a moral worthiness virtue like THAT OF Confucius (not: the particular feature that characterises Confucius" N1=standard of comparison: the Nab like that of N
- npropostN.adNabFEATURE:N has Nab=feature.N2=characteristic feature: 魚之樂 "the joys of the fish"; Nab is a feature or characteristic of N
- npropostN.adNabGRAMMATICAL OBJECT鄰國之政"administration of a neighbouring state": N1=grammatical object: NP1 is the object or aim of the action in Nab
- npropostN.adNabINALIENABLE POSSESSION白首之心 “the mindset of an old person" N's NabCH
- npropostN.adNabLOCAL RELATIONbe Nab in relation to NCH
- npropostN.adNabTEMPORAL RELATION百年之後 Nab refers to a temporal relation to NCH
- npropostN.adNP{所Vt}ADVERB modifying 所Vt in NP{所V}N1=time: 須臾之所學 "what one has studied in one moment of time" N1 specifies the length of time involved in the action involved in the deverbal N2LZ
- npropostN.adNP{所Vt}LOCATION of Vt罔古之所布"Where one spreads the nets" N=PLACECH
- npropostN.adNP{所Vt}N=OBJECT of Vt:What Vt-s the N萬物之所化"what transforms all things" referring to the object of the nominalised transitive verbCH
- npropostN.adNP{所Vt}SUBJECT 之所 VtN1=subject: 刑法之所大禁也"what the laws greatly forbid" NP2 is nominalised by 所, and NP1 is the subject of the VP that is nominalised
- npropostN.adNP{所以V}:adVREASON for N V-ing神人之所以為大祥也 "that by reason of which the spirtual man is deemed greatly auspicious": adverbial use of the specified object of the VtCH
- npropostN.adSN provides LOCALISATION of S朝廷之可以巧言辯說取官爵也 “the fact that at court one can obtain offies and ranks by clever talk and eloquent disquisitions": N is denominal adverbial localisation of SCH
- npropostN.adV>NabN AGENT for the nominalised V>NabN is agent-subject of the nominalised V>NabCH
- npropostN.adV>NabN AGENT for V>Nab陳之將亂也 “that Chen is about to revolt" N functions as agent for the nominalised V>NabCH
- npropostN.adV>NabNab=NOMINALISED PREDICATE岸谷之變 "Nab is the nominalised predicate of the subject NCH
- npropostN.adV>NabSUBJECT (not agent!) N subject of feature Nab小人之學 "the petty man's studies": N1=grammatical subject but not agent of N2CH
- npropostN.adV>Nab{S}N provides LOCALISATION of Nab{S}the event V>Nab{S} localised by NCH
- as V as (an) N珠之重 "be as important as a pearl" be as V as the N-subject
- npropostN1.adN2 RESULTN1: result/end-point of N2: 大亂之道 "the way leading to great disorder" "N2 leading to N1"LZ
- npropostN1.adN2ABSTRACT RELATION位於七人之下 "his status was lower than that of seven others": N2 abstractly related to N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2APPURTENANCE LOCATION.THING N2 is in N1杯中之物 "the thing in the cup (wine)"LZ
- npropostN1.adN2APPURTENANCE, GENERAL一人之蛇"one person's snake" N2 appertains, belongs or is in some way attached to N1
- npropostN1.adN2CHRONOLOGICAL RELATION今之孝者 "of the present time those who are filial-minded" NP1 indicates the placing in time of NP2
- npropostN1.adN2CONCRETE FEATURE布衣之士 'a freeman wearing humble garment': N2 characterised by a concrete, physical feature N1LZ
- npropostN1.adN2IMPACTED PATIENTN1=afflicted recipient: 人之患 "troubles of/for men" N1 is the negatively afflicted recipient of N2LZ
- npropostN1.adN2KINSHIP RELATIONN2=kin: 工匠之子 "son of a carpenter": NP2 designates a kinship relation which NP1 has to NP2
- npropostN1.adN2N1 BENEFICIARY of N2二三子之教 "a lesson FOR you people": forCH
- npropostN1.adN2N1 CAUSE REASON of/for N2萬乘之勢"the power that ten thousand chariots give one":CH
- npropostN1.adN2N1 CURRENT ACTION/STATE of N2奔走之友 “a friend even in times of misfortune and hardship" N1 describes conditions under which N2 is N2.CH
- npropostN1.adN2N1 INALIENABLE POSSESSION OF N2百足之蟲 “centipede" N2 characterised by the inalienable possession of N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2N2 CONTROLLED BY N1王之臣"minister to the king": N2 is under the control of N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2N2 in the LOCAL STYLE of N1N2 made in the style defined by N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2N2 PART of N1鵬之背 "the back of the Peng" N2 inalienably attached to N1, the N2 that INALIENABLY BELONGS to or is attached to N1 AS A PART
- npropostN1.adN2NON-RESTRICTIVE MODIFICATION孝子之有深愛者"the filial sons who (by the nature of things always) have deep love" N1 which/who by the nature of things are N2
- npropostN1.adN2ORIGINN1=environment: 塗巷之人 "a man from the streets" N2 coming from N1 and having features characteristic linked to having N1 as origin LZ
- npropostN1.adN2PHYSICAL SIZE六尺之孤"six-inch-large gourd" N1=size of N2:
- npropostN1.adN2POLITICAL CONTROL N1 controlled by N2亂國之君"ruler over an ill-governed state": CONTROL of N1 by N2, "of"CH
- npropostN1.adN2POSSESSION國君之寶“treasure of the ruler of the state": N2 is owned by N1; N2 is the property of N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2RESEMBLES:N2 is comparable to N1脣齒之邦“countries closely linked like lips and teeth" comparability of N2 to N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2SPACIAL RELATION四海之內 NP1 東陵之上 "on mount Dongling" indicates the placing in space of NP2 in relation to N1
- npropostN1.adN2SUBCLASS:N2=subclass of N1N1=scope of superlative: 士之仁者 of the gentlemen the (most!) human-hearted" of the N1 the most N2
- npropostN1.adN2TEMPORAL DURATIONNP1 indicates the duration in time,or the time of validity of NP2 三年之喪“three-year-long mourning"
- npropostN1.adN2THE N2 RESEMBLES THAT OF N1赤子之心 “innocent pure heart (like that of a baby)": N2 resembling N1CH
- npropostN1.adN2TYPE辯者之徒"people of the sophist type"斯人之徒 “this type of person": N2 classified as N1 (contrast 子夏之徒 "a disciple of Zixia")CH
- npropostNab.adNFEATURENab=feature characterising N (many subtypes); e.g. 智術之士 DS
- npropostNab.adNN has Nab as AIM勢物之徒“people aiming for power and precious objects": N2 aiming for or being preoccupied with N1CH
- npropostNab.adNN has the PURPOSE of Nab聽之繩 "the basic guideline of attending to government": N2 is the standard or guideline for N1 (often N1 = Nab.act = V-ing)LZ
- npropostNab.adV>NabV>Nab modified by NabCH
- npropostNab.adV>NabABSTRACT FEATUREa nominalised abstract feature of an NabCH
- npropostNab1.adNab2INSTRUMENT action as performed by the means N斧鉞之誅 "execution by the use of axes" Nab2 as performed by means of Nab1CH
- npropostNm.adNMATERIAL糞土之牆 "wall made of dung" the NP2 made of NP1
- npropostNPab.adNab2RELATION between N1 and N2是非之分 "the difference between what is right and what is wrong" relationship between N1 and N2: betweenLZ
- npropostNpr.=NAPPOSITION彭蠡之川 "the river Pengli": N1=class of N2: the N2 constituted by/that is none other than N1
- npropostNpr.adNabNab CONTENT of Npr《春秋》之異 "the strange disasters of/reported in the Annals": Nab is contained in or described in NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNabNab FEATURE/(INALIENABLE?) POSSESSION of Npr孔子之德 "the charismatic virtue of Confucius": Nab property/inalienable possession of NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNabNab that RESEMBLES THAT OF Npr孔子之才 "talent like that of Confucius": Nab that resembles that of NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNAn N that RESEMBLES TYPE Npr孔子之師 "a teacher like Confucius" plural:田常之賊 "villains like Tian Chang"
- npropostNpr.adNAPPURTENANCE MIXED UNSUBCATEGORISED孔子之座"Confucius' seat": Npr's NCH
- npropostNpr.adNCHRONOLOGICAL LOCATION IN TIME孔子之時 "the times of Confucius" in the times of NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNINALIENABLE PART OF Npr孔子之體 “Confucius's body" N is inalienable part of NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNN DEDICATED TO Npr孔子之廟 “temple dedicated/devoted to Confucius": N is dedicated to NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNN in KINSHIP RELATION to Npr孔子之孫 "a grandson of Confucius": an N related by kinship to NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNNpr OBJECT of/subject described in N先王之書"Books on the First Kings": the documents N concerned with/being about the persons NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNORIGIN孔子之跡 "the footsteps of>from Confucius": N has its origin in NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNPOSSESSION孔子之門 "knock on Confucius's door" Npr (past or present!) owner of NCH
- npropostNpr.adNTYPE exemplified by Npr孔子之徒 "person of the caliber of Confucius": person of the type exemplified by NprCH
- npropostNpr.adNTYPE; Npr=singular referring expression, plural七十子之徒 “people like the 70 disciples (of Confucius)": people of the type exemplified by NprCH
- npropostNpr.adV>NabNpr agent of nominalised V>Nab孔子之窮於陳蔡之見"When Confucius was in straights between Chen and Cai."CH
- npropostNpr.adV>NabNpr AGENT of V孔子之制春秋也 "as for Confucius' production of the Annals"CH
- npropostNpr.adV>NabV=passive孔子之見疑 "Confucius' being the object of suspicion": Npr being V-edCH
- npropostS.adNLOCATION IN TIME市繁之時"the time when the market was busy":CH
- npropostS.adNLOCATION OF ACTION必爭之地 "the location where the battle has to be fought" N is the location for the action VCH
- npropostV.adN:adSMODIFY: by a minor sentence少之時"(at) the time when he was young": The N characterised by S
- npropostV.adNabadjectival modification of Nabmarking the modification of an abstract N by a (bisyllabic) adjectival VPCH
- npropostV.adNabAPPURTENANCE of N to V吹灰之力 "force needed to blow at ashes": N is relevantly related to V in any particular way.CH
- npropostV.adNADJECTIVAL: RESTRICTIVEADJ 之 N: 得意之色"a facial expression expressing happy satisfaction": marker of the modification of a noun by a deverbal adjectival expression
- npropostV.adNMETHODN=instrument or method of V-ing: 治氣養心之術 "the method of controlling one's vital energy and cultivating one's mind" N is an instrument or method of V-ingLZ
- npropostV.adNMODIFY如是之樓“a building like that": VP-feature modifies nominal headCH
- npropostV.adNN CAUSED BY V采薪之患N caused by or experienced on the occasion of V-ingCH
- npropostV.adNN SUBJECT modified by V執鞭之士 "gentlemen holding the whip": V-action has N as subject/agent
- npropostV.adNOBJECT必由之路 "the path that has to be followed" N is what is the object of the transitive VCH
- npropostV.adNprMODIFY.Npr=Vossian治民之王良 "be Wang Liangs governing the people" Npr-s that are V-ing"
- npropostV.adNRESTRICTIVE, PASSIVE不測之禍 "unpredictable/unpredicted disaster" V-ed NCH
- npropostV1:adV2MODIFY如是之甚 "as intensely as that": modifying an adverb or adjective
- npropostV>Nab.adNabNab specified by V>Nab殺人之罪 "The crime consisting in V-ing": the Nab specified by V-ingCH
- npropostV>Nab.adNN serving as INSTRUMENT FOR the PURPOSES of Nab治之具"instrument for government": serving the purposes of, being for; being concerned withCH
- npropostV>Nab1.adV>Nab2deverbal V>Nab1 modifies V>Nab2眾之為福 "the being a good fortune of (one's army) being numerous": modification by one V>Nab specifying the subject of another V>NabCH
其 qí OC: ɡɯ MC: gɨ 455 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npro Vt.adN=其所 the N the subjects Vt-s 其得言 "the words/opinions one gets to hear"CH
- npro(post-N1.)adN2其善者少 "Those who are good are few": SUBCLASS OF npro the N among the nprosLZ
- npro.adNmaterial: N made of it/her/him/themLZ
- npro.adN3. person pluraltheir NVK
- npro.adN3. person singularhis, her, its
- npro.adNabfeatureNab is an ABSTRACT FEATURE of npro. 修其孝悌忠信"cultivate their filial and fraternal love, the loyality and trustworthiness"
- npro.adNabNab EXPLAINING npro其故 "the cause/reason for it": npro SPECIFIES WHAT IS EXPLAINED by NabCH
- npro.adNabNab is INALIENABLE FEATURE of npro觀其志 "observe his intentions": Nab is an inalienable feature of nproCH
- npro.adNabnpro SUBJECT of V>Nabhis/her/it's/their action of V-ingCH
- npro.adNad two Nshis/their N1 and... (his) N2
- npro.adNAUTHORSHIP其書五車 "his books filled five carts":his, her their writingsCH
- npro.adNCATAPHORICthe N to be specified below
- npro.adNCHARACTERISTIC FEATURE其聲 "his sound/voice": typical activity
- npro.adNclass-memberone of (the CLASS MEMBER of the class designated by preceding NP) 其南陵, That ridge on the south (of the ridges mentioned in general above)
- npro.adNfor-Nthe N that is destined for npro, the N that is meant for nproCH
- npro.adNgenitiveN lives in the place npro 移其民"move the people of the place"
- npro.adNgenitiveN is an inalienable part of npro 其心 "his heart/mind/attitude"
- npro.adNgenitivee.g. 其言 'his speech': npro is the subject or origin of NLZ
- npro.adNindefinite必危其身 "one is bound to endanger one's person" "one's N"
- npro.adNkinship失其親 "fail one's parents" N has the KINSHIP RELATION to npro
- npro.adNMIXED APPURTENANCEhis/her/its (own)
- npro.adNnpro ORIGIN/AUTHOR of N讀其書不知其人可乎?“reading (out) someone's writings and not knowing anything about him (i.e. the writer), is that acceptable?" the N authored by nproCH
- npro.adNpart ofas in 刻其桷:carved its raftersDS
- npro.adNPOSSESSION其馬 "his horse": his her their: npro owns/possesses NCH
- npro.adNsocial relationN has the SOCIAL RELATION N to npro
- npro.adV>NabFACTIVE: his/her/their V>Nab, or that npro is V-ingnpro's actually V-ingCH
- npro.adV>Nabnonreferentialhis, her, its; someone's
- npro.adV>NabPASSIVEpronoun modifying a nominalised verbal expressionCH
- npro.adV>NabWHETHER npro IS V OR NOTNpro's Nab-ness or otherwiseCH
- npro0.adNgenitivenon-referential: one's own 其身正 "If one's own person is correct..."
- npro1.adnpro2SUBCLASS:N2=subclass of N1其誰“who of them": npro1 restricts the reference of npro2CH
- npro1.postnpro2:adNused as equivalent to 之 if the modifier is a demonstrative pronoun (是其 + N, 此其 + N)LZ
- npro1ad.npro2[adN]npro2 RELATION TO npro2[adN]其他 "other things than this": npro defines the sope of the relation in npro2: e.g. "other (things) in relations to/than npro1"CH
- npro1ad.npro2adN其此語
- npro:ad.suǒ Vtsubject其所好"what they like"
- nproadNabnpro OBJECT of Nab必聞其政 "be sure to hear about it's government": npro is the object of the transitive action NabCH
- nproadNtrnpro OBJECT of Ntr惡其賊 "hates his malefactors": npro is the object of the transitivity in NtrCH
- nproadVFROM npro LOCAL ORIGIN其來者 “those who COME FROM THERE":CH
- nproadVtnpro OBJECT of V其從者 "his followers": the Vt-ers of the object nproCH
底 dǐ OC: tiilʔ MC: tei 23 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- ppostadV(.adN)marker of nominalization in the case of a deleted N
- ppostadV.adNmarker of a modification (precursor of Modern 的)
- ppostN1.adN2'genitive' marker
斯 sī OC: sqe MC: siɛ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npro.postadN1:adN2like genitive marker 之 (This usage explains the derivation of the genitive meaning of 之.)
的 de MC: -- OC: -- 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- ppostN1.adN2genitive marker
Existing SW for
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