        • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2....
Old Chinese Criteria
1. Tì 薙/鬄/剃/剔 originally referred to the shaving off of children's hair, but the word came to refer quite generally to all manner of shaving or cutting of hair.

2. Kūn 髡 refers specifically to the shaving off of adult's hair.

Modern Chinese Criteria
理髮 is the standard modern term for cutting hair.

剃頭 is the standard modern term for shaving the head.

推頭 (coll) refers to taking a hair-cut (as opposed to giving someone a hair-cut)

開光 (informal) refers teasingly to taking a haircut.

整容 (lit) is a dignified way of referring to taking a hair-cut.

rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

  • 古代文化詞異集類辨考 Gudai wenhua ci yi ji lei bian kao ( HUANG JINGUI 1995) p. 492

  • 古辭辨 Gu ci bian ( WANG FENGYANG 1993) p. 699

  • Encyclopedia of Religion ( JONES 2005) p.


  • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.294

  • Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography ( ROBERTS 1998) p. 373

Attributions by syntactic funtion

  • vtoN : 12
  • VPtoN : 2
  • vtoN : 1
  • vi : 1

Attributions by text

  • 祖堂集 : 5
  • 莊子 : 2
  • 說苑 : 1
  • 春秋左傳 : 1
  • 法句經 : 1
  • 賢愚經 : 1
  • 百喻經 : 1
  • 韓非子 : 1
  • 淮南子 : 1
  • 妙法蓮華經 : 1
  • 楚辭 : 1


  tì OC: lʰiils MC: thei 7 AttributionsWD

Tì 薙/鬄/剃/剔 orginally referred to the shaving off of children's hair, but the word came to refer quite generally to all manner of shaving or cutting of hair.

    Syntactic words
  • viactshave off hair, cut hair
  • vtoNshave off; shave (one's head bald)
  tī OC: lʰeeɡ MC: thek 2 AttributionsWD

Tì 薙/鬄/剃/剔 orginally referred to the shaving off of children's hair, but the word came to refer quite generally to all manner of shaving or cutting of hair.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNscrape, shave
  jiǎn OC: tsenʔ MC: tsiɛn 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNpost-Han: cut off (hair)
  • vtoNgeneral: CUT of parts of, pare (trees or bushes)IH
  kūn OC: khluun MC: khuo̝n 2 AttributionsWD

Kūn 髡 refers specifically to the shaving off of adult's hair.

    Syntactic words
  • vishave
  • vtoNshave (the head)
剃除  tì chú OC: lʰiils rla MC: thei ɖi̯ɤ 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPtoNresultativeshave and remove > shave off
  duǎn MC: twanX OC: toonʔCH 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNcut hair very shortCH
  tì OC: thiis MC: thei 0 AttributionsWD

Tì 薙/鬄/剃/剔 orginally referred to the shaving off of children's hair, but the word came to refer quite generally to all manner of shaving or cutting of hair.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNZHOULI: cut off hair
  Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 0 AttributionsWD

Tì 薙/鬄/剃/剔 orginally referred to the shaving off of children's hair, but the word came to refer quite generally to all manner of shaving or cutting of hair.

    Syntactic words
  • viactcut off hair

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