  • PLACE NAMESPROPER NAME designating a place.
        • NAMESPEAK so as to REFER to something OR WORD USED for REFERRING to something....
See also
  • Monastic Estates in T'ang China Asia Major ( TWICHETT 1956) p.

  • The Monasteries and China's Economy in Medieval Times Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies ( TWICHETT 1957) p. 123-146

Attributions by syntactic funtion

  • NPpr : 9

Attributions by text

  • 祖堂集 : 9


開元寺  kāi yuán sì OC: khɯɯl ŋɡon sɢlɯs MC: khəi ŋi̯ɐn zɨ 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: see Zhāoqìngsì 招慶寺;there is also the Nánchāng 南昌 monastery of Hóng province 洪州, situated in today's Nánchāng city in Jiāngxī 江西 province. This monastery is also referred to as Kāiyuán 開元 monastery.There is also a monastery of the same name in Wēn 溫 province.
光宅寺  guāng zhái sì OC: kʷaaŋ brlaaɡ sɢlɯs MC: kɑŋ ɖɣɛk zɨ 1 AttributionWD
  • Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 ( ANDERL 2004B) p. 607, fn.1758

  • 佛光大辭典 Fóguāng dàcídiǎn The Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism ( FOGUANG) p. 2171-2172

    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: 'Light-residence Monastery'. This probably refers to a monastery situated in Cháng'ān which was built in 677. There is also a more famous monastery of the same name which was built in 502 by Emperor Wǔ 武 of Liáng 梁, situated in today's Nánjīng 南京. The name derives from light-rays (guāng 光) which supposedly were ejected from a Guānyīn 觀音 statue for a period of seven days (see Foguang: 2171-2172).
千福寺  qiān fú sì OC: snʰiin pɯɡ sɢlɯs MC: tshen puk zɨ 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: The Qiānfú 千福 monastery in Cháng'ān was built in the fourth year of the xián-hēng 咸亨 era (673 A.D.) for crown prince Zhānghuái 章懷. The Western Chán compound was built especially for Huìzhōng (see YANAGIDA 1990: 388, fn. 232).
千頃寺  qiān qīng sì OC: snʰiin khʷleŋ sɢlɯs MC: tshen khiɛŋ zɨ 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • NPprQiānqǐng monastery (no information found)
幽棲寺  yōu qī sì OC: qriw sɢlɯs MC: ʔi̯u sei zɨ 1 AttributionWD
  • 《祖堂集》牛頭法融章疏證 Sodōshū Gozu Hōyu shō soshō [Commentaries on the Chapter on Niútóu Fǎróng in Zǔtáng jí] 東洋文化研究所紀要 Tōyō bunka kenkyūjo kiyō ( OKAYAMA/KOROMOGAWA/OGAWA 1999) p. 44, fn. 1

    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: This monastery was built in 459 during the Six Dynasties Period
建初寺  jiàn chū sì OC: kans tshra sɢlɯs MC: ki̯ɐn ʈʂhi̯ɤ zɨ 1 AttributionWD
  • Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 ( ANDERL 2004B) p. 577, fn.1590

    The Ja4nchu1 monastery is situated in Ji1nli2ng 金陵 and was established by Ka1ng Se1nghui4 in the Three Kingdoms period. It is regarded as first Buddhist monastery in China.

    Syntactic words
  • NPprthe Jiànchū monastery
玉泉寺  yù quán sì OC: ŋɡoɡ dzon sɢlɯs MC: ŋi̯ok dziɛn zɨ 1 AttributionWD
  • 祖堂集 Sodōshū Zutang ji Daijō butten 大乘佛典 ( YANAGIDA 1990) p. 396, fn.269

    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: the Yùquán (Yuquan) monastery is situated in today's Jiānglíng 江陵 district of Húběi 湖北 (during the Tang part of Jīng 荊 province). The temple dates back to the Six Dynasties period. The temple is famous for having been the place where the famous Tiāntái monk Zhìyǐ 智顗 wrote the Móhē zhǐguān 摩訶止觀 ('Concentration and Contemplation in Mahāyāna Buddhism' and a commentary to the LOTUS (Fǎhuá xuányì 法華玄義). Also the Northern Chán school founder Shénxiù 神秀 took residence there (see YANAGIDA 1990: 396, fn. 269)
福先寺  fú xiān sì OC: pɯɡ sɯɯn sɢlɯs MC: puk sen zɨ 1 AttributionWD
  • 佛光大辭典 Fóguāng dàcídiǎn The Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism ( FOGUANG) p. 6674

  • The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch'an Buddhism ( MCRAE 1986) p. 64

    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: A monastery situated in Luòyáng, known as residence of Dùfěi 杜胐, the author of the CHUAN FABAO JI 傳法寶紀 (who was visited by the Northern School monk Yìfú 義福 (658-736))
招慶寺  zhāo qìng sì OC: kljew khraŋs sɢlɯs MC: tɕiɛu khɣaŋ zɨ 0 AttributionsWD
  • Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 ( ANDERL 2004B) p. 14, fn. 81

    Syntactic words
  • NPprBUDDH: The Zhāoqìng 招慶 monastery is situated in today's Quánzhōu 泉州 city, Fújiàn 福建 province. The name of the monastery today is Kāiyuán 開元 monastery. Quánzhōu 泉州 was one of the important cities in the kingdoms of Mín 閩 and Yuè 越. Wáng Yánbīn 王延彬, the son of Wáng Shěnguī 王審邽, was enfeofed there and invited scholars and monks who fled from the unrests raging in Northern China. Wáng Yánbīn 王延彬 was a devote follower of Buddhism and officially converted to Buddhism under the guidance of a disciple of Xuěfēng Yìcún 雪峰義存, Zhāoqìng Huìlíng 招慶惠稜 (854-932). Zhāoqìng Huìlíng 招慶惠稜 resided at the Zhāoqìng monastery but later on moved to Chángqìng 長慶. Consequently Wáng Yánbīn 王延彬 built another monastery for Wéndēng, the Fúxiān Zhaōqìng 福先招慶 monastery. Both monasteries were destroyed shortly afterwards.

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