- SURPRISEDFEEL that something one EXPERIENCES NOW is STRANGE OR DIFFERENT from what is COMMON.Surprise originating from supriser X, acting on surprisee Y, activated because of the surprising feature Z.
Old Chinese Criteria
2. E@r 而 is restricted to subordinate clauses, and the word stresses the subjective incongruousness, thus coming close to being a counterfactual "even".
3. Yóu 猶 stresses the objective unlikeliness of the subject being characterised by the predicate.
NB: Lián 連 is post-Buddhist (MING)
Modern Chinese Criteria
Cannot seem to find more synonyms.
rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
雖 suī OC: sqlul MC: si 26 AttributionsWD
The current word to make explicitly concessive nominals is suī 雖.
- Syntactic words
- padS.adV[0]雖陷刑戮可 "it is possible even that he suffers physical punishment" it V-s even that SLZ
- padS.adV[0]no matter whetherno matter whetherCH
- vt0oS1.adS2 factive, assuming the truth of S1: even thoughCH
- vtoN. Veven : 雖我亦將非之。
猶 yóu OC: k-lu MC: jɨu 18 AttributionsWD
Yóu 猶 stresses the objective unlikeliness of the subject being characterised by the predicate.
- Syntactic words
- padV.postN{SUBJ}even N
- padV.postN{SUBJ}:adVeven also; even (猶。。。何況)
- padV.postN{TOP}V even with regard to TOPLZ
尚 shàng OC: djaŋs MC: dʑi̯ɐŋ 11 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- padS1.post-S2even under conditions S
- padVeven
- padV.postN{SUBJ}:postSeven (an N)
曾 zēng MC: OC: tsɯɯŋ LZ 5 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- padVeven; curiously enough even (typically with negatives)LZ
且猶 qiě yóu OC: k-lu MC: tshɣɛ jɨu 4 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- PPadVintensitiveeven (stressed)
有 yǒu OC: ɢʷɯʔ MC: ɦɨu 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vadVloan for 又: even more Vi
- vadVloan for 又: even, moreoverLZ
猶若 yóu ruò OC: k-lu njaɡ MC: jɨu ȵi̯ɐk 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- PPadV.postN:adSeven (猶若。。。況)
乃 nǎi OC: nɯɯʔ MC: nəi 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- padVeven
且 qiě OC: MC: tshɣɛ 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- padN.adVeven
- padV1.postV2even if V2ing to V1CH
- padVt.postN{OBJ}even
雖至 suī zhì MC: swij tsyijH OC: sqlul kljiɡsCH 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt N. Veven when it comes to the N they VCH
即 jí OC: tsɯɡ MC: tsɨk 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vt+N.adVeven
假使 jiǎ shǐ OC: kraaʔ srɯʔ MC: kɣɛ ʂɨ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+N.adVeven in the case of N...
即是 jí shì OC: tsɯɡ ɡljeʔ MC: tsɨk dʑiɛ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+N.adVeven
自 zì OC: sblids MC: dzi 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- padN.adSeven N...
無 wú MC: mju OC: maCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoN[disregarding the features of N that make this unlikely>] evenCH
憯 cǎn MC: tshomX OC: skhɯɯmʔLZ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- padVcuriously enough even (typically with negatives, SHI)LZ
亦 yì MC: yek OC: k-laɡCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- ppost-N.adVevenCH
連 lián OC: b-ren MC: liɛn 0 AttributionsWD
NB: Lián 連 is post-Buddhist (MING)
- Syntactic words
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