Taxonomy of meanings for 簾:  

  • 簾 lián (OC: ɡ-rem MC: liɛm) 力鹽切 平 廣韻:【簾箔釋名曰簾廉也自障蔽爲廉恥也三秦記曰明光宫以金玉珠璣爲簾箔 】
      • nbamboo curtain, or curtain made of cloth, hung from the sides of a door or blocking the door preventing draft, and keeping insects out etc.

    Additional information about 簾

    說文解字: 【簾】,堂簾也。从竹、廉聲。 【力鹽切】


      1. Wéi 帷 refers to any decorative curtain hung around openings like windows or doors, but the term can also be used to refer to low curtain hung close to the floor.

      2. Mù 幕 refers to a curtain suspended from above as a kind curtain-roof, but reaching down to the ground. See TENT

      3. Wò 幄 refers to a tent-like structure built up within a building. See TENT

      4. Yì 帟, an exceedingly rare word, refers to a roof-like flat baldachin used within buildings to guard against dust and dirt that keeps falling off the ceiling.

      5. Màn 幔 refers to a largish piece of cloth used to cover anything in the house.

      6. Chéng chén 承塵 refers to dust-protector hung above a seat to prevent dust from the ceiling falling on person seated below.

      7. The general term for any material used as a curtain of any sort is zhàng 帳, and the word became current in Han times.

      8. Lián 簾 refers to a bamboo curtain or screen, typically used in doors to prevent draft, and the word is still rare in Han times.