Taxonomy of meanings for 犧:  

  • 犧 xī (OC: hŋral MC: hɯiɛ) 許羈切 平 廣韻:【犧牲書傳曰色純曰犧許羈切十九 】
      • nsacrificial water buffalo with 厜ure colour� fur, specifically an ox that has been used in sacrifice; LIJI: figure of a sacrificial victim bull

    Additional information about 犧

    說文解字: 【犧】,宗廟之牲也。从牛、羲聲。賈侍中說:此非古字。 【許羈切】


      1. The general term for sacrificial animals is xī shēng 犧牲.

      2. Xī 犧 refers specifically for an animal that has been used in sacrifice.

      3. Shēng 牲 refers specifically to an animal that one intends to use for sacrificial purposes.

      4. Quán 牷 refers to an animal that has been selected for special rearing for sacrificial purposes because of it's unified colour.

      5. Láo 牢 refers collectively to a set of animals used for sacrificing, usually consistic of an ox, a sheep and a pig, as in the Roman suovetaurilia.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (SACRIFICIAL ANIMAL)牲/SACRIFICIAL ANIMAL Shēng 牲 refers specifically to an animal that one intends to use for sacrificial purposes.