
(chi): 鎮州臨濟慧照禪師語錄語(chi): Zhènzhōu Línjì Huìzhào chánshī yǔlù(eng): The Recorded Sayings of Linji Huizhao of Zhen Province
(place): (publisher),
Huìzhaò alias Línjì Yìxuán 臨濟義玄 (?-867). An early version of the text was first included in the Tiān-shèng guǎng-dēng lù (1036); afterwards it was included in the Sì-jiā lù 四家錄 (1120) and began to circulate as independent text in 1120. Also contained in fascicle 4 and 5 of the Gǔ-zūn-sù yǔ-lù 古尊宿語錄). Tr. in Sasaki 1975 and Watson 1999. See also Sasaki 1973 and Demieville 1970. This is probably the most difficult text of the Recorded Sayings genre. There is a gap of ca. 200 years between the death of Linji and the first edition of his records; the work is therefore a doubtful source for the vernacular language of the 9th century but rather reflects the language of the early 11th century (see Wittern 2002: 128 ).
Information basis
Wittern 2002: 128; CA
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