
(chi): 佛光大藏經 - 史傳 - 祖堂集(chi): Fóguāng dàzāngdjīng - shǐzhuàn - Zǔtáng jí
(place)Foguangshan si: (publisher)Foguang chubanshe, 1994
ZTJ/FO 1994
The Táiwān Fóguāng dàzāngj1ng 台灣佛光大藏經 is a project devoted to critically re-editing the Buddhist canon. For this reason the Fóguāng dàzāngjīng biānxiū wěiyuánhuì 佛光大藏經編修委員會 was established (ed. in chief: Grand Master Xīngyún 星雲; there are ca. 10 scholars leading the project). The texts of the canon are based on a comparison of various editions and critical notes, corrections, punctuation, explanations, etc. are added. The texts are divided into 16 categories, Chánzāng 禪藏 (i.e. the texts of the Chán School) being one of them (catogory three). ZTJ is included in the section called Historiographical Works and Biographies (shǐzhuàn bù 史傳部). The text of ZTJ was published in 1994 and consists of two volumes (with a total of 992 pages). The edition is based on a critical study of the Korean block print edition. Variant Chinese graphs are usually converted into standard graphs. The text is divided into paragraphs, punctuated and occasionally notes on variant graphs, mistaken or missing graphs are added. This edition is of a very high quality, convenient to use (because of the big size of the graphs, the conversion into standard graphs, and the excellent punctuation) and very accurate.
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