TLS - Thesaurus Linguae Sericae
漢學文典 : 中經西譯剖析比錄

Founding Editor: Christoph Harbsmeier 何莫邪; Associate Editor: Jiang Shaoyu 蔣紹愚
General Editor: Christian Schwermann 史克禮; Technical Editor: Christian Wittern 維習安

Welcome to the HXWD website

This is a website for people interested in reading and translating premodern Chinese texts. It requires some familiarity with Chinese to be useful.

While you are welcome to explore the site without signing in, many of the features are only available to registered users.

The documentation is still sparse, but you might still find it useful.

You can start reading the 論語 Lunyu (Confucius analects) or
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