B. Reading a text Once you have located the text you want to read or annotate, take a moment to review the reading environment. the top line of the screen has - a link back to the home page - the standard "Browse" menu to each of the main sections of the TLS from the home page - the title of the current work - its table of contents, list of chapters - the "Blue Eye" icon- which opens a word by word display of all the annotations that have been added in that section of text with each annotated word or phrase appearing on a separate line. The user is asked to choose which of two types of annotation he wishes to see: either "GRAMMAR" or "RHETORIC" If the user chooses GRAMMAR- Each line shows: the word or character [print only] its pronunciation in pinyin [print only] the general concept it falls under HERE [tooltip short definition] [WHERE DOES THAT COME FROM- DONT SEE IT ON CONCEPT PAGE [link to the entry for THAT WORD under the general concept appropriate HERE] where there is: pronunciation in Old Chinese and Middle Chinese as well as pinyin the total number of all occurrences (attributions) in the database a list of word relations such as antonyms a list of ALL the syntactic roles that WORD can play anywhere-- but ONLY with that on meaning/concept links to each actual occurrence (attribution) where it has that specific syntactic role in all of the TLS texts its syntactic role in THIS specific location- links to full definition of that syntactic role [print only] its definition in THIS specific location [print] e.g. 君子 (jūn zǐ) GOOD NP nonreferential true gentleman; a person of superior character; the person of superior character 得見君子者斯可矣。 Clicking on a character or phrase tells the system you want to annotate it and brings up a list of annotations that have already been applied to it in other locations and other texts. [only the blue eye tells you what has already been applied to it HERE? [Would it not be better to have two click modes- one displaying the existing annotation and one for annotations- or better yet always show what is there already with the first click and have a link within that popup to take you to the new annotation options; you could leave the blue eye option for when you really want all that context, but you need an option when you don't]] Clicking/selecting a character will create a popup with all the general concept meanings that have been assigned to it throughout either the Core texts or the medical corpus [There does not seem to be a way to get to the syntactic roles and thus the actual citations without going through these concepts. IS THAT TRUE?] 君子 (jūn zǐ) EGO SYN [1] NP pronominal use: (I) a nobleman [SWL 1] 毛詩20 君子作歌, A nobleman has made the song, 君子 (jūn zǐ) FRIEND 君子 (jūn zǐ) GENTLEMAN 君子 (jūn zǐ) GOOD 君子 (jūn zǐ) OFFICER 君子 (jūn zǐ) OFFICIAL 君子 (jūn zǐ) YOU 君子 (jūn zǐ) YOU/PLUR eg lai 來 has a list of 20 of these "concept/meanings together with a number referring to the different syntactic roles they play but almost all have only one or two roles while "come" has 21. It however is not listed first. Should they not be ranked by frequency? And/or could they not be grouped by associated words or associated concepts? Clicking on the number displays the actual syntactic roles together with another number for each role which links to the actual occurrences of that role in the various texts. If the user chooses RHETORIC- each line shows the name of a rhetorical device, which links to a list of all the locations where the device is used, with links into the actual full text. - The "SOURCE" link that displays the edition, and related information such as the source of the edition, its length, and a wikidata links to mentions of that work. The second line from the top shows the chapter name, the line number of the first line being shown and the percentage of the chapter before that line. At the bottom, below the text, are either 3 or 4 navigation buttons, permitting the user to advance to the next section of text, return to the previous section or jump to either the initial or the final section of the text. When available, translations appear to the right of the original text- roughly aligned. [XX Note on the display of single phrases on separate lines. describe process or principle behind it.- Should we support an editor capable of changing these?] [XX note alpheios reading tools work fine] C.- Annotating a text When you are reading a text you can select a word or phrase to annotate by clicking on it This opens the annotation popup that asks you to choose one of the existing concepts and syntactic roles to apply to the selected target or, if none seems applicable, to create new ones. The available concepts are shown in a blue vertical list and the numbers following them refer to the number of syntactic roles that have been reported for that concept up to now. That number is also a link that displays those roles, showing - the abbreviation code for that syntactic role (see the Clavis X document for an explanation of the codes) - a brief definition - a concluding link marked SWL followed by the number of occurrences of that syntax for this concept in the corpus - following that link will display a list of the occurrences showing the name of the text, the passage containing the selected target, and a translation - the name of the text is a link into that full text at the point at which the target selected appears. [Currently the popup refers to its contents as "Existing SW for X"- the "syntactic words" to which the SW refers are all the unique combinations of characters, syntactic roles, specific meaning, and general concept that form what CH calls a syntactic word; the CORE option refers to everything other than medical texts] D. Other options in the Search box dropdown menu. In addition to the Titles option that provides the most convenient access to specific texts, the dropdown menu has several other options: TEXTS searches all available texts and displays the number of hits in each category or specific text. 四部9543 經部313 易類1 書類6 (If you already have a text open, the search will be confined to that text) ` By default only the first 5000 hits are sorted- you can XXXX SORTED ??? raise that number by clicking on the message itself or use the text categories on the left to reduce the volume of text being searched. By default the display shows the occurrences in the "Classified Catalog", the traditional classification scheme, but the user can open the chronological display ("Period of Creation") instead. In that case he will be offered the additional option of "Click here to display matches tabulated by text" -------- XX CHECK in which case, if he has already selected a time period in the chronological display, only the portion of the Classified Catalog that falls within that period will be shown. Clicking on the name of a text will show a list of the first 50 actual passages in which the match occurs. XX sample the list will show the name of the text any chapter or section name the citing passage itself a translation The i icon will provide information about the edition used. The name of the text is a link that takes you into the full text at the point the match occurred The top of the full text screen has the title of the work, its chapter or section name, and the "blue eye" icon that will display all the annotations that have been applied to this section of the text, each on a line by itself. You can choose to display only rhetorical devices (very few) or "grammar" everything else. Only the first 50 items of the longer lists will be displayed with the option "Click here to display all matches." A choice that may take some time to implement. In addition to the lists of texts and categories of texts with the number of hits they contain, this page also provides a convenient way to submit searches for the selected term to several other reference resources with links that are located just above the list of citations and below "Click here to display all matches". Taxonomy of Meanings Phonetic profile The Kanseki Repository the "Han Yu" dictionary the Zi tools site the kaom.net collection of nine dictionaries (including the Han Yu). TITLES (described in A. above) DICTIONARY searches in the Chinese-English word dictionary XXX of TLS ?? displaying matches on both individual characters and words of which the searched term is a component. The list of matches shows the character or word, its pronunciation and the general concept(s) under which the word is categorized. The list is ordered alphabetically by the english name of the concept. The same concept can of course be represented by multiple words and the same word can appear under multiple concepts. The "SYN" button links to a discussion that attempts to distinguish the usage of any multiple words in the same concept, which might be mistaken for synonyms. It is followed by a number that reports how many syntactic roles the word has been reported to be able to play and links to them. And they in turn, via the SWL button, link to the actual attributions in the texts, whose number follows the SWL. They are shown in a list whose first element is the name of the text, which is followed by the chapter or section number, the actual text, and its translation into English. Clicking on the title of the text in this line will open the full text at the point of the attribution. Searching in dictionary for 學 Time: PT5.727S Found 57 matches, showing 1 to 50 Taxonomy of meanings: Phonetic profile:   詞典:   漢リポ: 太學 (tài xué) ACADEMY [SYN] 1 文學 (wén xué) ARTS [SYN] [SYN] 4 學鳩 (xué jiū) BIRDS 1 學道者 (xué dào zhě) BUDDHIST [SYN] 1 修學 (xiū xué) CULTIVATE [SYN] 3 學 (xué) DOCTRINE [SYN] 1 末學 (mò xué) EGO [SYN] 1 學生 (xué shēng) EGO [SYN] 1 ... 學 (xué) IMITATE [SYN] 2 學 (xué) INVESTIGATE [SYN] 2 學 (xué) KNOW [SYN] 2 >[SYN]: 1. The general word for knowing something to be the case in any way or on any basis is zhī 知, but the word is more common in the meanings discussed under UNDERSTAND as in 知人 "understand men". 2. Wén 聞 is to have learnt as given, so that one knows it as part of one's intellectual tradition or education. 3. Shí 識 is to be able to recognise and thus to have some idea of something through familiarity and experience, and what one is thus familiar with does not seem to be facts. >[2] 🌑 nab.post-N psychological: knowledge; learning; what one has learnt, what one has studied so far; "connaissances" SWL: 5 孟子 5 盡棄其學而學焉 so he abjured what he had learned before and became a follower of Hsy Hsing. 孟子 7 下無學 those below ignore learning, 春秋左傳 10 無學不害 The want of learning does no harm.' 春秋左傳 10 無學不害 The want of learning does no harm.' 春秋左傳 10 官學在四夷 we may learn from the wild tribes all round about . 🌑 vtoN middle voice: study successfully so as to know and understand SWL: 1 莊子 6 南伯子葵曰道可得學邪 "Can the Way be learned?" asked Nan-po Tzu-k'uei. The page with the initial search results also includes the familiar links to the Taxonomy of Meanings Phonetic profile Kanseki repository and other lexical resources [SEE- XXX link] TRANSLATIONS [one might wish to suppress the Click here to display all matches when all are already displayed] Translations can be searched in both Chinese and alphabetical characters, but the latter are case sensitive. FIELDS This option represents a search across the entire TLS, and as such is unlikely to be the best option most of the time. However, it does show the results broken down by where they were found so one can distinguish hits within Concepts from those within Words or Definition. Only the text that originates in the TLS is searched, so no results will appear from the texts themselves or translations. BIBLIOGRAPHY The bibliography can be searched in both Chinese and alphabetical characters, but the latter are case sensitive. The search results page also has a link to the Browse option page that can also be accessed from the Browsing Menu. Here one can browse by author, title, topic, most referred to and Recently Added or click a link to Add New Reference, which brings up an empty bibliographic template. -------------------------- E. - Other options in the the Browsing menu In addition to the list of available texts, the Browsing menu at the top of the home page provides access to a number of other resources. CONCEPTS An alphabetical english list of the major concepts (listed under FORMULA), followed by a brief definition and an extensive list of related terms (listed under "ALTERNATIVE LABELS". A special searchbox can be used to search the concepts for any specific word that the user might wish to attempt to categorize according to these existing concepts. The search is performed on the literal word, not its meaning, so, for example search shellac 2 (concepts in which it occurs) CONQUER SUCCESSFULLY ATTACK AND ENDURINGLY POSSESS a PLACE. DEFEAT, BEAT, VANQUISH, TROUNCE, TRIUMPH OVER, BE VICTORIOUS OVER, GET THE BETTER OF, WORST, OVERCOME, OVERWHELM, OVERPOWER, OVERTHROW, SUBDUE, SUBJUGATE, QUELL, QUASH, CRUSH, ROUT, LICK, BEST, HAMMER, CLOBBER, THRASH, PASTE, DEMOLISH, ANNIHILATE, WIPE THE FLOOR WITH, WALK ALL OVER, MAKE MINCEMEAT OF, MASSACRE, SLAUGHTER, CREAM, SHELLAC, SKUNK POLISH RUB AND SMEAR USING LIQUID so as to CAUSE TO BECOME SMOOTH AND SHINING. SHINE, WAX, BUFF, RUB UP/DOWN, GLOSS, BURNISH, VARNISH, OIL, GLAZE, LACQUER, JAPAN, SHELLAC This search could be useful to determine whether a word that the user wished to annotate was already assigned to one or more concepts. A new concept should probably not be created until the word to be annotated has been searched here. The name of the concept listed under FORMULA is a link to a page where all the information relating to that concept is accumulated: ie Alternative Labels (synonyms and related terms) Ontology (eg hypernyms, hyponyms, Antonyms, See Also etc) Usage Criteria and General Notes Source References (and their number) Attributions (Citations) Overview (print only) by text by syntactic function But the bulk of the concept entry is generally taken up by the list of words that can evoke that concept and their attested syntactic roles and the attributions that exemplify those roles. Words 劫 jié OC: kab MC: ki̯ɐp 1 Attribution WD Syntactic words vtoNabduct 係 xì MC: kejH OC: keeɡs 1 Attribution WD Syntactic words vtoNderived; N=animal tie up and abduct (domestic animals of an enemy etc) [莊子] 25 係其牛馬, and I shall tie up their oxen and horses As is usual, the name of the text in the attribution links into the full text at the point at which the attribution occurs. CHARACTERS A table of some 2270 Chinese characters ordered by decreasing frequency in the TLS corpus. Each character is a link to a page containing all the information the system has about each one: the criteria for its use, taxonomic relationships with related concepts, XXX] In the taxonomy example below the words in capital letters identify the meanings that the character can be used to express. The following number refers to the number of different syntactic roles that the the character can play while expressing that meaning. Clicking on that number shows them, along with Taxonomy of meanings for 詩:   shī (OC: qhljɯ MC: ɕɨ) 書之切 平 廣韻:【説文曰志也詩序云發言爲詩釋名曰詩之也志之所之也書之切六 】 SONG 3 text only> POEM 4 relevant action> CHANT 1 genre defined by> LITERARY GENRE 1 typical related action> SING 1 ------ SONG 3 nsong (note that one 歌s these songs) attributions nprplural the canonical Songs, particularly those collected in what is known later as Shijing attributions prtextthe Book of Songs attributions text only> POEM n the written text of a SONG > poem attributions nadV (express something) in/with a poem attributions npr the Book of Odes attributions nm kind of poetry attributions relevant action> CHANT vtoNGUOYU: chant literary texts in prose or rhymed poetry genre defined by> LITERARY GENRE nrhyming lyrical poem typical related action> SING vtoN WORDS A table of some four thousand Chinese words (chiefly bigrams) ordered by decreasing number of concepts that they can represent. Each word is a link to a page that lists the concepts that that word can participate in what the TLS calls a "Taxonomy of Meanings." The number after the concept name is the number of syntactic roles that have been reported for the word in that concept. Clicking on them will show the list of syntactic roles and the word Attributions after them links to the locations in texts where that role has been identified. Clicking "Attributions" will open a list of them- consisting of the title of the text, its chapter or section, the citation itself and an english translation. And clicking on the title on that line will take you to into the full text of that title at the point at which the (highlighted) attribution occurs. Taxonomy of meanings for 先人:   FATHER 1 ANCESTOR 4 PARENT 1 ------------ FATHER 1 NP[post-N]father ANCESTOR 4 NPpost-Nancestor; deceased father NP(post-N)plural NP[post-N]our forefathers; the forefathers NPtpost-N=NprNpr, N's ancestor PARENT 1 NPpluralparents (LUNHENG) ----------- FATHER 1 NP[post-N]father No attributions found ANCESTOR 4 NPpost-N ancestor; deceased father Attributions 春秋左傳 3 「先君桓公命我先人典司宗祏。 "Your ancestor, duke Huán, gave command to my ancestor to take charge of the stone-shrines in the ancestral temple. 春秋左傳 9 猶有先人之敝廬在, there is the cottage of his father. 春秋左傳 10 小人糞除先人之敝廬, I removed the dirt from the poor cottage of my father, 禮記 4 4.55有焚其先人之室, 9. When the (shrine-)apartment of his father was burned, NP(post-N)plural Attributions 說苑 16 先人餘殃 that is because of his progenitor's left-over (deserved) misfortune; 陸機集十一卷 1 誦先人之清芬。 he croons the clean fragrance of past worthies. NP[post-N]our forefathers; the forefathers Attributions 陸機集十一卷 1 Attributions 誦先人之清芬。 先人 "ancestors". 呂氏春秋 15 先人有言曰: Our predecessors had a saying, NPtpost-N=Npr Npr, N's ancestor Attributions 劉義慶世說新語 2 「昔先君仲尼與君先人伯陽, PARENT 1 NPplural parents (LUNHENG) Attributions No attributions found WORD RELATIONS Chinese concepts often occur in semantically meaningful pairs. The most common relationships are those of synonyms and antonyms, but there are many more- sensitivity to which improves one ability to grasp the author's intention. At present the TLS recognizes 12 such relationships, but few have been as consistently applied as the identification of antonyms and "associations".. This page has a local search box that lets you search by any of the twelve relationships and sort the results alphabetically by either the initial or subsequent specific word or general concept expressed in english. These searches are especially slow- note the small "Retrieving data, please wait..." message on the left. The 12 relationships currently recognized are: left word right word Text/Ref ANT Antonyms 1/BRIGHT 昧/DARK 其上不1 / 其下不昧(老子14) 其上不皦 / 其下不昧(老子14) 今/NOW 古/ 今古(今)*合旦莫 / 今古(今)*合旦莫( 墨經 ed. Graham ) 以古之賞賞今之人也 / 以古之賞賞今之人也(韓非子19) ASSOC Regularly occurring with 逍 - 遙 丘/MOUND 山/MOUNTAIN 則禍福雖如丘山 / 則禍福雖如丘山(韓非子21) 垤成丘山 / 垤成丘山(論衡2) 丘/MOUND 陵/MOUNTAIN 「丘陵成而穴者安矣 / 「丘陵成而穴者安矣(呂氏春秋3) CONTRAST explicitly contrasted (賢人 -聖人) 主/RULER 人主/RULER 然則主有人主之名 / 然則主有人主之名(韓非子6) CONV converse (與 - 受) 丈夫/HUSBAND 婦人/WIFE 左傳詞彙研究 MAO YUANMING 1999 學/STUDY 誨/TEACH 學而不厭 / 誨人不倦(論語7) EPITHET typical idiomatic adjective (良 - 臣) 山/MOUNTAIN 高/HIGH 山以之高 / 山以之高(淮南子1) 嶽/MOUNTAIN 喬/HIGH 「墮山喬嶽 / 「墮山喬嶽(白虎通18) 幼/YOUNG 狂/CRAZY 胡 沈之君幼而狂 / 胡 沈之君幼而狂(春秋左傳10) INCONSIST inconsistent with (美 - 亂) 盲/BLIND 視/LOOK 盲視聾聽 / 盲視聾聽(賢愚經6) 知/UNDERSTAND 惑/CONFUSED「知者不惑 / 「知者不惑(論語9) OBJECT typical idiomatic object (罪 - 得 乘/RIDE 輿/VEHICLE 今乘輿已駕矣 / 今乘輿已駕矣(孟子2) OPPOS semantically opposed but not opposite (幾“some” - 多“many”) 上/HEAVEN 下/EARTH 我祖厎遂陳于上 / 用亂敗厥德于下(尚書26) RELAT related systematically related as yet unlabelled relation NOTE- PROVISIONAL RESULT result of (殺 - 死) 學/STUDY 明/UNDERSTAND 龍少學先王之道 / 長而明仁義之行(莊子17) SUBJECT typical subject of (治 - 國) 出/RISE 日/SUN 日朝出而暮入 / 日朝出而暮入(論衡3) SYNON synonymously used in parallelistic contexts (哭 - 泣) 保/CERTAIN 信/TRUE 未必保其必富貴 / 未可信其必貧賤(論衡3) 俊/HERO 杰/HERO 非俊疑杰 / 非俊疑杰( 論衡 ) SYNTACTIC FUNCTIONS This page lists the codes for syntactic functions and roles that are used throughout the TLS to characterize the syntactic options that have been reported for the most specific units of meaning, the "syntactic words" that are grouped under the major concept categories. They are grouped functionally and a brief definition is provided but full understanding and proper use requires familiarity with the Clavis Syntactica 2022 document. Although there is no indication that they are links, clicking on the code will open access to attributions either directly: NP(post-N.)=Npr NP(post-N) in apposition with an Npr that follows it. transitive nominal expression modified by an omitted contextually determinate nominal expression, and that whole phrase preceding a proper name with which it is in apposition. Found 4 attributions 夫人 NP(post-N.)=Npr the wife (, by the name of Npr) 春秋左傳 2 晉穆侯之夫人姜氏 the wife of Mù, marquis of Jìn, a lady Jiāng, 春秋左傳 2 入告夫人鄧曼。 and when he had gone into his palace told his wife, a Màn of Dèng about the matter. 春秋左傳 6 B6.18.6夫人姜氏歸于齊, This return of Wan's wife Keang to Ts'e 春秋穀梁傳 1 夫人子氏薨。 the duke's wife, lady Tzyy, died. or through a layer composed of text title, code, translation and [Attributions] NP(post-N.)adV transitive complex nominal expression modified by a contextually determinate other nominal, that whole construction preceding and modifying a verbal expression. Found 6 attributions 形體 NP(post-N.)adV on the body of the contextually determinate N [Attributions]> > 搜神記 1 形體生毛 右手 NP(post-N.)adV with the right hand of the contextually determinate N [Attributions]> > 戰國策 131 乃左手持卮,右手畫蛇, but with his right hand he commenced to draw again > 淮南子 7 使之左手據天下圖而右手刎其喉, But tell someone to hold in his left hand a writ for the empire and with his right hand to cut his own throat 神者 NP(post-N.)adV with one's spirit soul [Attributions]> > 莊子 22 神者先受之; 左手 NP(post-N.)adV definite with the left hand of the contextually determinate person [Attributions]> > 戰國策 131 乃左手持卮,右手畫蛇, but with his right hand he commenced to draw again > 淮南子 7 使之左手據天下圖而右手刎其喉, But tell someone to hold in his left hand a writ for the empire and with his right hand to cut his own throat, A local search box similar to that on the CONCEPT, SEMANTIC FEATURE and RHETORICAL DEVICES pages lets you search for the presence of words of interest in the definitions or of character strings in the codes. SEMANTIC FEATURES [No examples or definitions are provided- so will require explanation] XX RHETORICAL DEVICES Alphabetical list of some six hundred [CHECK XX] rhetorical devices with brief definitions. A search box, saying "Type to filter" similar to that on the CONCEPT, SYNTACTIC FUNCTIONS and SEMANTIC FEATURE pages lets you search for the presence of words of interest anywhere in the list. As elsewhere the number initially displayed when you click the "COUNT" button is the total number of major entries, in this case rhetorical devices. If you search on specific words (in either alphabetical or traditional chinese characters) COUNT will display the number of hits found anywhere in the entries. Formula Definition Remarks IRONIA-SARCASM IRONY involving sarcasm. 冷笑法 Sarcastic humorous remark. IRONIA-SUSTAINED IRONIA sustained over many sentences or paragraphs 幾句反話法 Irony sustained over several sentences. LITOTES IRONIA in which one understates the quality of a thing through negation of the opposite in order to stress its greatness or excellence. 間接肯定法 Periphrastic ironic use of a negative statement to express a strong positive statement, often combination of emphasis and irony. 不少 SELF-IRONY IRONIA in discourse about oneself. URBANITAS RHETORICAL STYLE which consists in highly communicative wit or jeu d'esprit. 滑稽修飾法 Facetious, ironic, or otherwise sophisticated and urbane colloquial style typically involving self-irony. --------- Clicking on the device name takes you to a page constructed much like a major concept page, which may have an "ontology" of hypernyms etc, miscellaneous notes and a list of "locations" where the device appears in some text. [The word "location" is perhaps a superior term for the popular version than is either attribution or citation] Clicking on a location takes you directly into the full text. ABOMINATIO 當面罵人法 ADDRESS designed to insult one's addressee. Insulting form of address, direct insult to the face. Contrast EXECRATIO, which is not face-to-face. Greek: bdelygmia Ontology of Abominatio: ` Hypernym: ADDRESS SPEECH ACT of explicitly addressing an audience. SPEECH ACT RHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH] RHETORICAL TROPE 體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions. RHETORICAL DEVICE 詞格 METHOD of adorning discourse. Notes Rhetorical device locations: 2 韓非子 役夫! Note the direct address with 汝 in the next line. 論語 「野哉, 由也 ------------------------- OBSERVATIONS [I believe these appear to be templates for organizing various kinds of comments- Need to check] XXX BIBLIOGRAPHY An annotated bibliography is accessed from the Browsing menu at the top of the home page. This annotated bibliography can be browsed either alphabetically or with Chinese characters by author, title, topic, most referred to and Recently Added. One can also search the bibliography as a whole using the general search box in the upper right of the screen, either alphabetically or with Chinese Characters., There is an Add New Reference link, which brings up an empty bibliographic template. ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- When you log in with a unique id and password other features become available. If you had previously been reading or working with a text in the TLS, when you log back in you are welcomed with links to take you back directly to those texts. When you are reading a text ... When you click on a word to annotate it ...