WORDS A table of some four thousand Chinese words (chiefly bigrams) ordered by decreasing number of concepts that they can represent. Each word is a link to a page that lists the concepts that that word can participate in what the TLS calls a "Taxonomy of Meanings." The number after the concept name is the number of syntactic roles that have been reported for the word in that concept. Clicking on them will show the list of syntactic roles and the word Attributions after them links to the locations in texts where that role has been identified. Clicking "Attributions" will open a list of them- consisting of the title of the text, its chapter or section, the citation itself and an english translation. And clicking on the title on that line will take you to into the full text of that title at the point at which the (highlighted) attribution occurs. Taxonomy of meanings for 先人:   FATHER 1 ANCESTOR 4 PARENT 1 ------------ FATHER 1 NP[post-N]father ANCESTOR 4 NPpost-Nancestor; deceased father NP(post-N)plural NP[post-N]our forefathers; the forefathers NPtpost-N=NprNpr, N's ancestor PARENT 1 NPpluralparents (LUNHENG) ----------- FATHER 1 NP[post-N]father No attributions found ANCESTOR 4 NPpost-N ancestor; deceased father Attributions 春秋左傳 3 「先君桓公命我先人典司宗祏。 "Your ancestor, duke Huán, gave command to my ancestor to take charge of the stone-shrines in the ancestral temple. 春秋左傳 9 猶有先人之敝廬在, there is the cottage of his father. 春秋左傳 10 小人糞除先人之敝廬, I removed the dirt from the poor cottage of my father, 禮記 4 4.55有焚其先人之室, 9. When the (shrine-)apartment of his father was burned, NP(post-N)plural Attributions 說苑 16 先人餘殃 that is because of his progenitor's left-over (deserved) misfortune; 陸機集十一卷 1 誦先人之清芬。 he croons the clean fragrance of past worthies. NP[post-N]our forefathers; the forefathers Attributions 陸機集十一卷 1 Attributions 誦先人之清芬。 先人 "ancestors". 呂氏春秋 15 先人有言曰: Our predecessors had a saying, NPtpost-N=Npr Npr, N's ancestor Attributions 劉義慶世說新語 2 「昔先君仲尼與君先人伯陽, PARENT 1 NPplural parents (LUNHENG) Attributions No attributions found