CHARACTERS A table of some 2270 Chinese characters ordered by decreasing frequency in the TLS corpus. Each character is a link to a page containing all the information the system has about each one: the criteria for its use, taxonomic relationships with related concepts, XXX] In the taxonomy example below the words in capital letters identify the meanings that the character can be used to express. The following number refers to the number of different syntactic roles that the the character can play while expressing that meaning. Clicking on that number shows them, along with Taxonomy of meanings for 詩:   shī (OC: qhljɯ MC: ɕɨ) 書之切 平 廣韻:【説文曰志也詩序云發言爲詩釋名曰詩之也志之所之也書之切六 】 SONG 3 text only> POEM 4 relevant action> CHANT 1 genre defined by> LITERARY GENRE 1 typical related action> SING 1 ------ SONG 3 nsong (note that one 歌s these songs) attributions nprplural the canonical Songs, particularly those collected in what is known later as Shijing attributions prtextthe Book of Songs attributions text only> POEM n the written text of a SONG > poem attributions nadV (express something) in/with a poem attributions npr the Book of Odes attributions nm kind of poetry attributions relevant action> CHANT vtoNGUOYU: chant literary texts in prose or rhymed poetry genre defined by> LITERARY GENRE nrhyming lyrical poem typical related action> SING vtoN