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Catalog excerpt for subcategory 載記類(3 items)
- CH1c0891吳越春秋
Edition:《四部叢刊》初編影明弘治鄺璠刻本Catalog category:載記類Dates:Ancient Chinese 9999Textlength:39296 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
John Lagerwey , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.473 - CH1c0892越絕書
Edition:《四部叢刊》初編影江安傅氏雙鑑樓藏明雙柏堂本Catalog category:載記類Dates:Ancient Chinese 9999Textlength:32558 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
Axel Schuessler Michael Loewe , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.490 - CH2c1320十六國春秋十六卷
Edition:叢書集成初編本,據《漢魏叢書》本排印Catalog category:載記類Dates:Six Dynasties 9999Textlength:40120 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences: