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Catalog excerpt for subcategory 正史類(4 items)
- CH2c1228後漢書九十卷附續漢志三十卷
Edition:藝文印書館影清乾隆武英殿本Catalog category:正史類Dates:Six Dynasties 9999Textlength:454256 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
- CH2c1231南齊書五十九卷
Edition:藝文印書館影清乾隆武英殿本Catalog category:正史類Dates:Six Dynasties 9999Textlength:142357 characters.Comment:Wikidata:南齊書WDReferences:
- KR2a0001史記
Edition:清乾隆四年(1739)武英殿刊《二十四史》本Catalog category:正史類Dates:middle Western Han 9999Textlength:594347 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
A.F.P. Hulsewé , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.405 - KR2a0007漢書
Edition:清乾隆四年(1739)武英殿刊《二十四史》本Catalog category:正史類Dates:Eastern Han 9999Textlength:722743 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
A.F.P. Hulsewé , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.129