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Catalog excerpt for subcategory 小學類(4 items)
- CH1f0861方言
Edition:《四部叢刊》初編影江安傅氏雙鑑樓藏宋刊本Catalog category:小學類Dates:Ancient Chinese 9999Textlength:12232 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
- KR1j0007釋名
Edition:《四部叢刊》初編影江南圖書館藏明嘉靖翻宋本Catalog category:小學類Dates:(Category not assigned) 9999Textlength:21997 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
Roy Andrew Miller , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.424 - KR1j0018說文解字
Edition:Catalog category:小學類Dates:(Category not assigned) 9999Textlength:358089 characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences:
William G. Boltz , in Loewe(ed), Early Chinese Texts (1995), p.429 - KR1j0090成語大全
Edition:tlsCatalog category:小學類Dates:(Category not assigned) 9999Textlength:characters.Comment:Wikidata:WDReferences: