Taxonomy of meanings for 車:
- chē (OC: khlja MC: tɕʰia) 尺遮切 平 廣韻:【古史考曰黄帝作車引重致逺少昊時加牛禹時奚仲加馬周公作指南車又姓出魯國南平淮南河南四望本自舜後陳敬仲奔齊爲田氏至漢丞相田千秋以年老得乗小車出入省中時人謂之車丞相子孫因以爲氏漢末避地於魯又複姓二氏丗本有齊臨湽大夫車遽氏又有車成氏亦虜複姓魏獻帝命踈屬車焜氏後改爲車氏尺遮切又音居二 】
- nconveyance, cart; vehicle on wheels, especially but not always for longish-distance travel; contraption with wheels;
- nadVinstrumentby use of vehicles 車載; between carts or vehicles 車裂
- vtoNput a carriage to (an ox)
- nnonreferentialvehicles, chariots of any kind
- nadNvehicle-like, provided with wheels
- viactproceed by vehicle, travel by carriage
- nadVmannerin the manner of a cart, like a cart
- n(post-N)the vehicle of the contextually determinate person
- n(post-N)the vehicle of the contextually determinate NCH
- for use in war> CHARIOT
- nZUO YIN 1: chariot 帥車三百
- npost-Vchariot characterised by the feature VDS
- related action: ascend vehicle> ASCEND
- viactZGC: ascend a vehicle
- related action> DRIVE
- nagentZUO: driver
- vt[oN]to drive one's chariot (SHI)LZ
- grammaticalised> VOLUME MEASURES
- ncpost-V{NUM}.+Nclassifiercartload of
- ncccartload
- ncpost-V{NUM}.post-Na cartload of; a vehicle-load of
- agent producing, wheelwright> CARPENTER
- generalised:analogous, wheel-using> TOOL
- nmachine, tool or instrument which involves wheels
- metaphorical:round mobile part of the head> JAW
- nmedieval: jaw
- jū (OC: kla MC: kiɔ) 九魚切 平 廣韻:【車輅又昌遮切 】
Additional information about 車
說文解字: 【車】,輿輪之總名,夏后時奚仲所造。 〔小徐本「名」下有「也」。〕 象形。凡車之屬皆从車。 【尺遮切】 【𨏖】,籒文車。
- Criteria
1. The most general word for high class means of personal transport is perhaps xuān 軒, but see chē 車 in the more general VEHICLE.
2. Niǎn 輦 refers to a man-drawn and man-held cart.
3. Lù 輅 refers to a carriage for very high officials or even the Son of Heaven himself, typically drawn by four horses.
4. Quán 輇 refers to a Han dynasty carriage with solid wooden wheels.
5. Yáo 軺 refers to a convenient and fast small carriage drawn by one horse.
6. Píng 軿 refers to a carriage especially designed for the transportation of distinguished women, with curtains on all sides.
7. Wēn 轀 refers to a comfortable coach for long distance transportation.
1. The current general word for a prison cart is qiú chē 囚車.
2. Jiàn 轞 / 檻 is the rare but specific word to use.
3. Xiá 柙 refers to the cage in which the prisoner was placed for transport, the cage being placed, in turn, on a cart.
1. The current word for a military chariot is shèng 乘 usually drawn by four horses.
2. Róng 戎 is a old general word for chariots which was already rare by Warring States times.
3. Cháo chē 轈車 refers to a high observation chariot.
4. Qīng chē 輕車 refers to a highly mobile light and quick chariot.
5. Zī zhòng 輜重 refers to military vehicles used to transport weapons and supplies.
6. Fén yūn/wēn 轒榡 refers to a four-wheel covered roofed chariot with the baldachin made of ox hide.
For illustrations of these see 中國古代兵器圖冊 (Huang Jingui)
1. The current general term for a vehicle is chē 車, a term which also refers even more generally to all contraptions with wheels.
2. Jià 駕 refers to a yoked carriage.
3. Yù 御 refers to a yoked carriage, with driver in place, ready to go.
4. Yú 輿 refers originally to the compartment xiāng 箱 of the carriage, but came to be used as a general term for a carriage used for transporting people. See CARRIAGE
5. Chéng 乘 is the general noun classifier for all vehicles, and this word must be carefully from the shèng 乘 "war chariot". See CHARIOT
6. Zhěn 軫 "back bord on a carriage" is often used to refer to a carriage as a whole, by synecdoche.
1. Sīnán 司南 is the predecessor of a compass; it was made of a natural magnetic iron.
2. Zhǐnánzhēn 指南針 is a compass pointing in the north-southern direction, which was made of a magnetic iron.
3. Zhǐnánchē 指南車 refers to a chariot pointing to the world directions; it came to be used by the emperors after the Jin dynasty.
1. The current general term for legal execution of a person condemned to death is zhū 誅.
2. Lù 戮 refers to public and often even summary execution.
3. Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.
4. Zú 族 refers to legal execution of the whole clan of a culprit.
5. Dà pì 大辟 is the bureaucratic legal term for capital punishment.
6. Qì shì 棄市 refers to public execution in the market place.
7. Jiǎo 絞 "strangulation"
8. Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"
9. Fēn chǐ 分胣 "cutting up and disembowelling"
10. Kēng 坑 "burying alive"
11. Chē liè 車列 "tearing apart between two vehicles"
12. Zhī jiě 肢解 "dismembering"
13. Fǔ 脯 "cutting into slices"
14. Hǎi 醢 "cutting into small pieces"
15. Zū 菹 "making into minced meat". See also BEHEAD.
- Word relations
Dēng 登 refer to one entering a vehicle or moving onto a higher surface of any kind, typically (but not always) in a dignified manner. [ELEVATED!]; [[CURRENT]] - Object: (VEHICLE)稅 / 脫 / 脫/UNTIE
- Object: (VEHICLE)駕/DRIVE
Jià 駕 is to get the horses and/or a conveyance ready for driving, or to order this to be done, and then by extension the going to a place by a conveyance. - Epithet: (VEHICLE)輕 / 輕/LIGHTWEIGHT
The standard word for something being of little weight is qīng 輕, and I have not found any current near-synonyms. - Contrast: (VEHICLE)輦/CARRIAGE
Niǎn 輦 refers to a man-drawn and man-held cart.